Pannal Primary School
Pannal Primary School is situated in the lovely rural setting of Pannal Village and is administered by North Yorkshire County Council. Children start in Reception class in the academic year in which they are five and continue through to Year 6. Places are normally provided for all those living within the catchment area. If parents from outside the catchment choose the school, places are allocated on the basis on availability. (To apply for a place, visit the North Yorkshire Primary Admissions website). For a full picture of life at Pannal Primary School and details of their curriculum, ethos and values, visit their website or request a copy of the prospectus. Tel: (01423) 872407.
North Yorkshire Primary Admissions
To apply for a place for your child at schools in North Yorkshire, parents need to submit a preference form to North Yorkshire Primary Admissions. This is available to fill in online on their website above. The site also has information on each primary school in North Yorkshire, so is a good and useful resource, as well as details on how to apply for places and important dates and deadlines.
Members of the Busy Bees staff and committee rely on the help and support of the Pre-School Learning Alliance and North Yorkshire County Council, amongst others, to give on-going advice about aspects of the playgroup and committee’s work. The Pre-School Learning Alliance is a leading educational charity specialising in the early years. They provide practical support to over 15,000 early years’ settings and make a positive contribution to the care and education of over 800,000 young children and their families each year. They actively involve parents and families in all aspects of their work. Their products and services include specialist publications, childcare services, quality assurance, campaigning, research, training and family programmes. They also offer a range of independent professional information, advice, support and guidance tailored especially to meet the needs of young children and their families, students, early years’ practitioners and professionals. Busy Bees is a member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance. If you would like to find out more about the work of the Alliance, visit their website, call 0207 697 2500, or email [email protected]
‘Kids at Heart’ School House Nursery
School House Nursery is a full day nursery for children from birth to five years old. It is located in the grounds of Pannal Primary School, across from Busy Bees and has places for 15 children. We work closely with the Nursery to help parents who need a full day of childcare rather than just the morning sessions at Busy Bees. Our longer Lunch Club sessions are timed to fit with the start of an afternoon session at the Nursery and our staff will take children over there after lunch. Tel: (01423) 873619.
The UK's biggest parenting website, set up and run by mothers. It has information, advice, discussion forums and much more. It's a comprehensive resource for any family.
Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) is the official body for inspecting schools, playgroups, nurseries, and all services which care or educate people of any age. They report directly to Parliament and are independent and impartial. Busy Bees was last inspected in February 2015 and a copy of the report can be viewed or downloaded here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
A place to find out about local activities for children, seek parenting advice, find offers from local businesses, buy and sell baby and child related products and discover other helpful information for Harrogate parents.