The staff Busy Bees Pre-school is run by our Manager, Tina Morley, and a Committee of Trustees consisting mainly of parents of currently attending children. They are supported by a team of highly experienced and well-qualified Early Years practitioners, who are all passionate about providing high quality care and education for children, as well as ensuring they have lots of fun!
The committee At Busy Bees, we have a committee of elected members which is responsible for the management of the setting, including:
Overseeing the employment of staff, salaries and contracts of employment
Working with staff to ensure the correct health and safety policies, risk assessment, insurance and first aid procedures are in place
Ensuring the continued upkeep and maintenance of our building
Committee members can volunteer for specific roles such as Chair, Treasurer, Secretary or join as general members. If you would like to become a Committee Member or would like more information, please get in touch with our Chair Kate Johnson at [email protected].
Partnership with parents Busy Bees Pre-school is run by a team of permanent members of staff and a committee of trustees. However, as a non-profit making charity, we also rely on the help and support of our parents with fundraising to ensure our continued success and to enhance our provision.
As well as making a real difference to Busy Bees, it is also an excellent opportunity for you to become more actively and practically involved in this aspect of your child’s life. Some parents have even chosen to pursue careers in childcare following the time that their children have spent at Busy Bees - just ask some of our staff!
Fundraising Busy Bees is funded by parent fees and the Government Early Years education grant via the Local Authority, but fundraising plays a big part in helping provide new resources and extras. We have regular fundraising events throughout the year and ask for volunteers to help. These have included an Easter Egg Hunt & Raffle, Fish & Chip Quiz Nights, Bags to School, a Lottery Board, a Christmas Shopping evening, Christmas Hamper Raffle, and a stall at the Pannal School Christmas Fair. We are always open to new ideas and welcome input from parents to help with fundraising. You don't have to be a Committee member to get involved with fundraising.
Helping out We very much welcome parents into Pre-School once their child is fully settled. This could be to share a hobby, talent or profession with the children, to come in to read/share a book or story at the beginning or end of the day, or to help on a trip.
Annual General Meeting (AGM) All parents/carers are invited attend the Annual General Meeting where we get together to review the past year. Please look out for the date and come along.