Cosy carpetThis is our area for group stories, singing or looking at books alone and in small groups. We encourage children to take home books from our library. This area is also where we enjoy the firm favourite 'Carpet time'.
ComputerWe work closely with our children to develop their first computer and ICT skills.
ConstructionWe help our children to experiment with building using different materials and tools.
Creative tableChildren can develop their fine motor skills whilst expressing their ideas and talking about what they've created. We have a wide range of activities such as painting, drawing, cutting and model-making.
Themed playWhere we create a fun, interactive space to follow interests or introduce children to something new.
Snack time cafeA selection of healthy, nutritious snacks and drinks is available every day. The children are encouraged to choose from a picture menu in our cafe.
Any allergies or dietary requirements are always taken in account. |
Sensory PlayOur children can express themselves in different ways with anything from paint, sand and water, to play dough, pebbles and slime, and have lots of fun in the process.
Role play and dressing upWe give our children the opportunity to talk, interact together and act out their own stories.
Outdoor playWe are committed to making our outdoor environment as rich and diverse as possible, so that our children's learning is extended to their outdoor play all year round. We are very proud of our fantastic grass and playground areas, which are well equipped with ride-on vehicles, a climbing frame, slide, mud kitchen, a digging area and lots of outdoor games. We have covered areas to ensure we have lots of different play experiences no matter what the weather, and enjoy growing a range of flower, herbs and vegetables. We can provide wellies and waterproofs.