For information, to check availability or to arrange a time to visit and chat with the staff, please contact our Administrator Vicki Whitelegg or Pre-School Manager Tina Morley on (01423) 870351 or email [email protected].
To enquire about a place or request an application form please complete the contact form or email / phone us directly.
When submitting an application for a place, you will be required to pay a £25 non-refundable booking fee to reserve the place and specific sessions at Busy Bees. This will usually be requested once the place and required sessions have been confirmed.
Busy Bees provides places for pre-school children aged 2 to 5 years.
Our main intakes are September and January. If your child is not ready to start at the beginning of these terms, you may be able to add their name to our waiting list for an alternative starting date, but please note that we cannot hold places without payment for longer than one full term.
We require that children attend for a minimum of 2 separate sessions per week (full days count as one session).
Please only request days that you know you are going to use. We need to ensure that all available sessions are being utilised, as demand for places can be high. Funded children who are consistently absent for one or more of their funded days risk losing their allocation, as we are only able to claim funding on the basis of the child attending.
To withdraw from Busy Bees Pre-school, 4 WEEKS' WRITTEN NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN or 4 weeks’ fees will be charged.